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What people are saying about Jumping Fire

John Maclean, author of Fire on the Mountain:
"Grab your boots and chutes. Murry Taylor puts you in the harness for a thrill-a-page account of smokejumping based on his already-legendary career. You see the stupendous landscapes, feel the crush of the brutal landings, work to exhaustion, and then hike out eager to be back on board, ready to jump again. Taylor has lived the dream; now he lets the rest of us in on it."

Patrick McManus, author of A Fine and Pleasant Misery:
"Forget fiction. Jumping Fire is the best action/adventure thriller I've read in years! Murry Taylor is one terrific writer."

William Kittredge, author of Hole in the Sky:
"Jumping from airplanes, fighting the fires, beating the odds, losing the new love -- Murry Taylor gives us a modern story of adventure and on-the-job heroism. Nothing touristy or politically correct about it, Jumping Fire is the actual thing, and a vivid compelling story."

Pat Kelly, former Assistant Director of the National Fire and Aviation Program, USDA Forest Service
"I've spent over 30 years fighting fires and leading firefighting organizations and Murry Taylor's Jumping Fire is an insightful and passionate account of the pain, pressure, sacrifices and rewards that make up the life of the seasonal firefighter. He captures the physical and mental commitment that the job demands, and his passages on firefighting episodes are excellent."

Read more reviews of Jumping Fire at


Murry A. Taylor has been a smokejumper since 1965. He divides his time between Alaska and northern California. Jumping Fire is his first book. Taylor's e-mail address is: murrytay@sisqtel.netAll photographs by Mike McMillan/Spotfire Images • Site by Visual Contact